Milk and Sugar?


The first post- Ta Da!!  (also, hello and welcome one and all!)

A name is yet to be agreed on: some say Afternoon Tea, some call it Fika, some look forward to cafe und kuchen. I’m referring to that beautiful time of day in the afternoon, when you step inside your favorite coffee house: that familiar dark roast perfumes the air, the atmosphere is painted full of smiles, scuttling baristas, and furrowing brows, and you hear a symphony of espresso machines, turning pages, clinks and thumps, shifting chairs, laughter, chatter… (no, that fast-as-possible stop at Starbucks on your way to work, ordering a tall, skinny chai to-go does not count!)

It is here, we remember the good ole’ days, we dream of dancing visions of what could be, we plan, we discuss, we gossip (…xoxo) but most importantly we establish and preserve relationships, with one another and with our community. What really fascinates me, is how we  can learn from each other, through sharing our unique experiences and perspectives.

The Coffee/Tea tradition stretches across the globe and across generations, and I feel it is completely underrated. It has stood the test of time and has developed a sophisticated way of life, filled with mindful connoisseurs, who appreciate the highest quality in taste and company.  We savor the opportunity to celebrate, reflect, listen, learn, inspire… whether alone, with loved ones, or perhaps even with quirky strangers wearing Oliver Peoples glasses and black turtlenecks.

Coffee* in hand, I want to introduce this poised tradition to the hectic bloggosphere, and (hopefully) provide some helpful insights regarding the new “buzz” in fashion. Here, I celebrate this  Coffee/Tea culture, which emphasizes quality, tradition, innovation, sophistication, and most importantly, the “it” factor.

Modern Melange is about show casing a mix of meaningful brands (and items) who radiate this culture and dedicate their heart and souls to their mission. By keeping my eyes and ears open, I am on the endless quest to find brands with that extra something- who inspire through creativity and their philosophy, who focus on quality- not quantity- who’s voices need to be heard (and worn).

Perhaps one day we shall stumble across each other in the Café de Flore or the Café du Monde, but as for now I am here, sipping my coffee* and you are there reading this post: I hope you enjoy this blog and love the brands (chosen with care) composing this blog.

I can’t pour you a cup of joe, but I can pour you a cup of brand buzz!

* P.S. When I mean coffee, I mean a Viennese Melange: "one espresso shot served in a large coffee cup topped with steamed milk and milk foam”. It is certainly not an espresso and definitely not an Americano! Perfection takes time to create and time to enjoy.

That is the key philosophy and purpose behind the Modern Melange.

